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443 Hudson Street
Healdsburg, CA, 95448
United States


The purpose of the Reach for Home Transitional Housing Program is to provide opportunities and support for Participants to work toward self-sufficiency, independence and permanent housing. Participants work with a Program Manager to help them access resources and services that will help them make necessary changes in their lives. Further, the Program offers Participants the opportunity to develop a good credit history and positive rental history, to gain self-confidence and to become self-sufficient.

10th Anniversary


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When Reach for Home was founded in 2014, there were over 300 unsheltered individuals living in the area. Today, there are approximately 70.

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Reach for Home, we reflect on a decade of dedication, challenges, and triumphs in our mission to end homelessness in Northern Sonoma County. 

This anniversary belongs to the entire community. Homeless support and services in the area started with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in the 1980s and many of you have supported Reach for Home since the beginning. We hope you’ll share your support and wishes for the future by uploading a 30-second video here or emailing

Our ultimate goal: reaching “Functional Zero” by the end of 2026. Functional zero signifies a community where a robust system of care ensures that homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. It’s not just a target; it's a commitment to the reality that chronic homelessness is a solvable issue. 

We got to this point by relentlessly doing the work your support makes possible: building trust with the unsheltered community, creating partnerships in every sector, and finding and creating housing. We also recognize that proactively intervening to help people avoid losing their homes is the only way to reach and sustain functional zero. That’s why we expanded our Homelessness Prevention Program this year to include case management and mental health support in addition to cash assistance.

Help commemorate our 10th anniversary by donating here.